Directory listing of 'bmw/e60-61/owners manuals'
Here are some helpful files for older BMWs, mostly the 5-series, that I have found on the internet. The material is taken from other BMW sites, forums, etc. The material is not my original material in any way so it may be found elsewhere on the internet; nothing new is here.

2004_530i_Sedan_Owner_Manual.pdf7,287 kb
2004_Manual_5_Series.pdf7,287 kb
2005_US_530i_Sedan_Owner_Manual.pdf8,381 kb
2006_5_Series_Manual_UK.pdf8,316 kb
2007_5_Series_Manual_US.pdf9,178 kb
2008_5_Series_Manual_DE.pdf8,502 kb
2008_5_Series_Manual_US.pdf9,533 kb
2008_US_5_SportsWagon_Owners_Manual.pdf9,550 kb
2009_M5_Owners_Manual_US.pdf9,300 kb